English follows Japanese.



  • 貴社(もしくは調査に関係する第三者※1)から見て、競合関係※2にあたる企業の現職であるエキスパートはご紹介はできません。
  • 貴社(もしくは調査に関係する第三者)が、投資を検討している場合、投資検討先企業の現職であるエキスパートは、上場/非上場問わずご紹介できません。また、投資検討先が上場企業である場合、過去6か月以内に経理・財務部門に在籍していた退職済みのエキスパートもご紹介できません。
※1 調査に関連する第三者とは、ポートフォリオ企業、子会社、貴社のクライアントなどが該当します。
※2 新規参入を検討しており将来的に競合関係になる場合も対象となります。


  • 弁護士、会計士、医師等のエキスパートのご紹介には一部制限がございます。現場の実態や業務課題などのユーザー調査は可能ですが、専門的なアドバイス(法律相談、監査、診療行為など)を求めることはできません。


  • 現職が公務員※3のエキスパートへ、エキスパート自身が権限を持つ、もしくは影響を与える可能性のある、法律、規制、政策、契約またはビジネスに関する質問をすることはできません。
※3 政府(もしくは関連機関)、政府が所有もしくは管理する組織・企業・団体、国際機関(例:WHO、世界 銀行、国連等)、政党、政党関係者、または政治家候補者の職員、役員またはその他の公的立場で行動するエキスパート


  • 治験に参加する医療従事者のエキスパートへ、患者固有の情報や治験に関する未公開情報を質問することはできません。



  • エキスパートの弁護士資格の有無によらず、法律的な観点からの意見を求める相談や質問をすることはできません。
  • NG例
    • 法的に問題ないか、 利用規約や契約書をレビューしてほしい
  • OK例
    • 弁護士のエキスパートに弁護士事務所開業時の課題をヒアリングしたい


  • 一般的にエキスパートは、現在または過去の所属企業等に関する非公開情報に対して、明示的あるいは黙示的な形で、秘密保持義務を負っています。エキスパートの現在の雇用関係(現職か退職済みか)や所属先(競合かどうか)に関わらず、個社の秘密情報を聞き出す目的の質問をすることはできません。
    • NG例
      • エキスパートの所属企業の秘密情報(開示されていない事業戦略や開発内容、取引先情報、部署毎の売上やコスト構造等の未公表の財務・経理情報、KPI 等)
      • エキスパートの所属企業のサプライヤーとの関係/企業戦略
    • OK例
      • 業界情報、各社のポジショニングや特徴・強み。その他一般的に公開されている情報 (IRで対外的に発表されている、あるいは経営者が発表しているような事業戦略・注力分野など)
      • 公開情報に基づく、エキスパート自身の知見


  • エキスパートは企業の代表ではなく、個人としてビザスクに登録しています。
  • エキスパートの所属企業への営業や、企業間の契約締結を目的とする利用はできません。

Expert attributes for which referrals cannot be made or for which there are restrictions on referrals

There is a concern about a conflict of interest with the Expert’s current employer.

  • Experts who are currently employed by a company that is in a competitive relationship*2 with your company (or a third party*1 involved in the research) cannot be introduced.
  • If your company (or a third party involved in the research) is considering an investment, we cannot introduce Experts who are currently employed by the company being considered for investment, whether listed or unlisted. If the company you are considering investing in is a listed company, we also cannot introduce Experts who have left the accounting or finance department of that company within the last 6 months.
*1 This includes portfolio companies, subsidiaries, and your clients.
*2 This includes cases where you are considering entering a new market and will be in a competitive relationship in the future.


  • Some restrictions apply to lawyers, accountants, doctors, and other professionals. You can conduct user surveys of actual conditions and business issues in the field, but cannot seek professional advice (e.g., legal advice, audits, medical practice, etc.).

Civil servants

  • You may not ask an Expert whose current position is a public official* questions about laws, regulations, policies, contracts, or business matters over which the Expert has or may have influence.
* Experts acting in their official capacity as employees, officers or other officials of governments (or related agencies), government-owned or controlled organizations, companies, associations, international organizations (e.g., WHO, World Bank, UN, etc.), political parties, party officials, or political candidates.

Those involved in clinical trials or clinical development of new drugs

  • Experts who are healthcare professionals and are participating in any trials cannot discuss patient-specific information or trial information not yet publicly available  

Prohibited items in the consultation purpose and question items

Legal consultation

  • No consultation or question seeking an opinion from a legal perspective is permitted, regardless of whether or not the Expert is licensed to practice law.
  • Example of a project scope that IS NOT permitted
    • To review the terms of service and contracts to make sure they are legally sound.
    • Example of a project scope that IS permitted
      • To interview an Expert lawyer about the challenges of opening a law firm.

Obtaining Confidential Information

  • In general, Experts are under an express or implied obligation of confidentiality with respect to non-public information about their current or former employers. Regardless of the Expert's current employment relationship (current or former) or affiliations (competitive or otherwise), you may not ask questions intended to elicit confidential information about an individual company.
    • Example of a project scope that IS NOT permitted
      • Seeking confidential information of the company to which the Expert belongs (undisclosed business strategies, development details, business partner information, undisclosed financial and accounting information such as sales and cost structures for each department, KPIs, etc.).
      • Asking about the Expert's relationship with his/her company's suppliers/company strategy.
    • Example of a project scope that IS permitted
      • Looking for industry information, positioning and characteristics/strengths of each company. Other information that is generally available to the public (e.g., business strategies and areas of focus as announced externally in IR or by management).
      • Asking about Expert's own knowledge based on publicly available information.

Use of VISASQ services for business purposes

Experts are registered with VISASQ as individuals, not as representatives of a company.

  • You may not use us for the purpose of conducting sales to companies to which Experts belong or for the purpose of concluding contracts with such companies.